
Get Quick Help From Customer Service! is a travel agency that provides travel packages for domestic or international destinations, including flights for connecting routes to more than 5,000 cities, hotels in more than 200 countries, rental cars, airport transfers, and other discount offers. You can make the preferred booking by calling the Customer Service number, which works 24/7 to assist the customers. It offers Incredible deals with all safety measures.

How can I contact directly?

Suppose you plan to travel to any specific country for a family vacation. In that case, it is recommended to check the travel packages, flight fares, car rentals, and Airport transfer, as the company offers the best deals at reasonable prices. Passengers can enquire about all queries about the available holiday package for any particular destination. It would be great to reach them at, which provides 24-hour and seven-day customer service. A person must know the essential steps which are listed here.

  • Dial the customer support executive at 646-362-8606.
  • Hear the IVR instructions carefully, which may lead to connecting the call with the expertise.
  • Kindly wait for 2-3 minutes to get linked with the expertise and then share the requirements they will provide the best possible deal.

Every possible way to connect with the Help Desk

Travelers can approach the Help Desk executive via Email, phone number, office address, Fax, postal address, and more. You can speak to the customer support executive to discuss the available deal with the complete itinerary. To know more about the available contact methods, you are advised to read the given description.

Trip.Com Live Chat Support:

Suppose the customer wants to add services to an existing booking, including breakfast or dinner meals in accommodation, pet travel, and other essentials. You can easily discuss the relevant process to update the needed changes via customer support live chat. To understand the complete process read the following description.

  • Head towards the official website of
  • Kindly browse the portal and click on the Contact Us tab available on the homepage.
  • You must select the Chat option and log in with the registered Email.
  • After that, the chat will get linked with the Virtual Assistant.
  • You are supposed to share the relevant questions to get the needed advice. Email Support:

If the customer cannot reach them at contact number due to a network problem, you may prefer to connect with them via Email, which is accessible only through the official website. You should go to the official contact page and click on the email tab. Here, the form will open on the screen, and the person should fill in the required details like personal information, booking details, contact numbers, and other relevant information. Headquarter office:

If you have any severe concerns, you can report them at the office address, or if you need to submit documents for verification before travel, the traveler should visit them at - Shanghai, No 968, Jinzhong Road, Changing District. 

Some Reviews about Customer Service:

You can check some of the passenger's reviews about the company, which may help you better understand holiday packages and their services, which are listed below.

Philip B. 

I have found the staff-friendly and solution-focused whenever I faced any issues or problems with the arrangements. At the start, the company website looks complicated, but at last, it's manageable. Some, like connecting flight timings, are sometimes frustrating but can be ignored as the overall experience is good.

LF Shu

Company fixed the issue and I have been provided with a full refund. Following my review, I was contacted by Cobain from within 48 hours a full refund was offered which was in my bank within 3 days.


I made a mistake ordering my ticket, tried to contact their public relations but had to give up it was impossible to speak to somebody. I should add that I'm in my late 80s could do with some technical help sometimes.

What is the 800 number for

The 800 Customer Phone Number is 800-050-3512 customer service number, available 24 hours and seven days to assist you with the needed guidance in existing or new bookings for flights, hotels, rental cars, and other channels.

Does have 24-hour customer service? offers 24-hour customer service to efficiently resolve travelers' grievances regarding flight details, hotel accommodation changes, additional services, and more. Their service channels are - All contacts, Email, and live chat; if the person tries to connect with them via Email or conversation, they will approach you as soon as possible.

Does charge a fee?

Generally, does not charge a fee for updating or editing the changes or cancellation fees. Suppose you may be required to cancel the booking so the agency customer support will try to reduce the cancellation charges on hotel bookings.

Is a legitimate travel site?

Yes, is a legitimate travel site that is an excellent choice for booking travel packages for national or international destinations at good price deals. Plus, they do not charge any change or cancellation fees. You can easily make new bookings via call at toll-free number, which serves 24/7 customer support.

Is it OK to buy a ticket from

Yes, it is a trusted website for booking flights, and it is safe to book flight tickets from and make payments online.

Is refundable?

Suppose the traveler cancels the booked itinerary before seven days of departure. In that case, the agency will refund the secured amount but deduct the handling fee if you want to know how the handling fee is calculated. If the price of a new ticket is lower than the previous one, you are liable to get the difference as a refund. Customer Service Contacts Email Support Call Center Support
(646) 362-8606

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